Setting up a new Shell account on Opalstack Go to dashboard: Go to applications. Make sure that there is enough space to have the apps menu on the left. Hit "Add user". Make sure it is not a user name that is already taken. Set a password for the user (min 10 characters) Log in to SSH as userA. Execute the following commands as userA: setfacl -m u:userB:--x $HOME setfacl -R -m u:userB:rwx $HOME/apps/myapp setfacl -R -m d:u:userB:rwx $HOME/apps/myapp setfacl -R -m d:u:userA:rwx $HOME/apps/myapp chmod g+s $HOME/apps/myapp Optional: to create a shortcut to the directory for userB, run the following command as userB: ln -s /home/userA/apps/myapp ~/myapp You can't link to ~userB/apps. Link to ~userB.